He has the black mastodon-inspired costume. The Black Power Ranger is the athletic and multi-talented guy of the group.

He can use the separated blades to generate damaging electricity. The Blue Ranger uses the "Power Lance," which can be split into two individual Sai blades. His morp costume is that of a triceratops. The Blue Power Ranger is the geeky guy of the group, who eventually became better and stronger in combat. His weapon for combat is the "Power Sword." It's the only weapon among the Power Rangers' arsenal that doesn't have a second function. He dons the Red tyrannosaurus-inspired "morph" costume, which is akin to his robot vehicle Zord. Red Ranger The Red Power Ranger is the leader of the group, with great martial arts skills. Below is a list of the first Power Rangers, their unique set of colors, powers, weapons, and beast-like Zords. The Power Rangers were portrayed in different-colored costumes, and abilities. Jordan as Tommy or Green Ranger, Chloe Grace Moretz as Kimberly or Pink Ranger, Jack Gleeson as Billy or Blue Ranger, Jamie Chung as Trini or Yellow Ranger, Roshon Fegan as Zach or Black Ranger, Jason David Frank as Zordon, Meryl Streep as Rita Repulsa and Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele as Bulk and Skull.
MTV ran a possible 'fantasy cast' for the upcoming Power Rangers movie and among the popular names were Liam Hemsworth for the character of Jason, the Red Ranger. "Lionsgate is the perfect home for elevating our Power Rangers brand to the next level, they have the vision, marketing prowess and incredible track record in launching breakthrough hits from "The Hunger Games" to "Twilight" and "Divergent," Saban said in a report by IGN. The new film aims to create a legacy of its own. "Power Rangers" Creator Haim Saban on its released statement on MTV expressed it will be unique than that of the first Power Rangers movie, "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie," that was released in 1995.

Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz are writing the script for the upcoming movie with Haim Saban, Brian Casentini, Allison Shearmur and Roberto Orci producing.
The movie will be in celebration 20 years since the series started. Lionsgate and Saban Brands announced that they will be bringing back the Power Rangers for a big screen movie recently and now they have officially set Jas the release date. 'Power Rangers' Movie Release Date 2016 Officially Announced